About a week before the workshop, participants should complete the below survey questions. Here is everything you need to create and send said survey out to the team:

Setting Up The Survey: Starting below the line is exact verbiage you can copy and paste into your company’s survey tool of choice. We recommend Google Form, but any provider works.

Survey Privacy Settings: This survey should be anonymous. No one should have to sign in or provide their name or email address to submit their answers. If you’re using Google Forms, this article provides great instructions on how to ensure you’re setting it up correctly.

Question Settings: All questions should be set up for long form responses. In Google Forms, this is the “paragraph” selection.

<aside> 💡 The below terminology is specific to Google Forms. Wording may vary by provider.

Starting now, anything in purple text is instructional and not to be included in the survey. Anything in red text is meant to be replaced with the noted variable.


Survey Title: Team Norms - Survey Questions

Survey intro & Instructions: Thank you for participating in our Team Norms Workshop survey! Your answers are anonymous, so that you feel comfortable responding as honestly as possible.

All responses MUST be submitted at least 48 hours prior to the Team Norm Workshop, happening [date]. Any answers submitted after that will not be included.

Create a new section.

Section Title: Our Team Why

[Question] What value does our team bring to the organization?

[Question] What does our team do better than anyone else?

[Question] What would suffer most if our team didn't exist?

Create a new section.

Section Title: What We Value

[Question] Think of a company you admire. What about them would you like to emulate?

[Question] What is one high standard you wouldn’t sacrifice for anything?

[Question] In what cases can you set a boundary and say “no” to a customer or teammate?

[Question] What are the things the team cares about the most? What’s non-negotiable

[Question] How would you hope others in the organization describe the team?

Create a new section.

Section Title: Behaviors We Reward

[Question] What behaviors do we exhibit when we're doing our best work as individuals? As a team?

[Question] If we were asked to identify the three key factors that led to our team's success this year, what would they be?

[Question] What achievements or milestones do we celebrate frequently? What behaviors help us achieve those?

[Question] The behaviors I would most like to see rewarded with a promotion include: (list your top three)

Create a new section.

Section Title: Behaviors We Avoid

[Question] What behaviors do we exhibit when we're doing our worst work as individuals? As a team?

[Question] What behaviors are we doing that are performative, but not actually conducive to doing our best work or driving results?

[Question] I would be frustrated if individuals exhibiting the following behaviors were promoted. (list your top three)

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