Follow the below steps to lead the creation of your very own Team Charter. You’ve got this!
Step One: Create a pre-workshop survey using these instructions.
- This survey will allow you to collect anonymous insights from your team, which you’ll use to create a rough first draft of the Team Charter for use during the workshop.
Step Two: Introduce the concept of Team Charters to your team and distribute the survey.
- We recommend introducing the concept during a team meeting, but you can also send via email, if that’s more inline with your culture. However you announce the activity, be sure to leave time and space for questions from the team.
- Make sure to timebox the survey responses and send a reminder email 24 hours prior to the submission deadline. You’ll want to leave yourself at least 48 hours between the submission deadline and workshop, so you can successfully complete steps three and four.
Step Three: Compile and review all survey responses.
- Once all submissions are in, you should review the responses and capture notes on any emergent themes or specific language that stands out.
- This part is not a team activity, but something you do individually. That said, if you don’t have the capacity, you can ask a trusted team member to complete this step on your behalf.
- Important Note: If you elicit the help of a team member, be sure they are able to use discretion and remain impartial to responses. While everything is anonymous, it’s sometimes easy to decipher who wrote what based on context or tone. Be sure they understand the importance of not disclosing anything individual they read to any other members of the team.
Step Four: Create a rough draft of the Team Charter.
- Using the survey responses, along with your own vision for the team, create a rough draft of your Team Charter using this template. This is also a solo activity. In running this workshop many times, we’ve learned that having a rough draft for the team to react to and edit together during the workshop is much more productive than trying to create a draft together.
- Please note: The template is Read Only. To edit, you will need to make a copy.
Step Five: Share the draft and collaborate with the team on suggested revisions.
- We recommend scheduling one 2-hour block, but the activity could also be done in two 1-hour blocks, if need be. Our workshop facilitation guide outlines step-by-step directions for executing this part of the process.
- Should you need to break up the activity into two sessions, we recommend wrapping after the “Highlighting Standouts” activity and picking back up with “Discussing Alternatives” in the second hour.